What is Autism?
Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a developmental disability that causes significant impairments in social, communication, and behavioral skills. Autism Spectrum Disorder covers a broad range of disorders each with unique characteristics and manifestations.
Child care professionals can identify possible signs of Autism spectrum disorder in children at an early age, by being familiar with its characteristic symptoms. This, in turn, allows for earlier interventions and potentially better outcomes. This disorder affects communication, social interaction and behavior in the children.
Autism can be understood as being in his or her own world.
Causes of Autism

Though many kinds of causes are usually attributed, the exact causes of Autism are not exactly known. But, the most possible risk factors can be such as the following.
What is done during Intervention?
behavior and symptoms of your Autistic child. At Andhra Hearing care, with a team of psychologists, speech therapists, behavioral and occupational therapists, we come to a conclusion on the needs of your child and what needs to be done to meet them. It is then a program is prepared for treating your Autistic child. The early the symptoms are recognized and the intervention is started, the better the outcome would be. Autism treatment at Hyderabad center focuses on early intervention.